Friday, October 14, 2011

Third trimester, big baby, and sewing

So I was just reading the baby ticker thing and it says the baby is 4.75 pounds....HA!! He is much bigger than that! He is probably weighing in at more than 5 pounds at this point...he is a big baby to say the least.

Anyways, the update on our little family. Mike is doing good. He loves working in produce! He is so cute! He comes home from work and tells me all about all the fruits and vegetables that he stocked that day and about all the nasty things that he throws away. He really enjoys his job. He hasn't enjoyed any of the jobs he has had since we have been married. So his enjoyment makes me really happy. :)

Baby is doing great. He is growing extremely well and is way above average in size and weight. He moves a lot, keeping me up at night when I'm trying to sleep and sometimes even waking me up in the middle of the night. We have another doctor's appointment on Wednesday morning. We will get to see him again and see how big he has gotten since the last visit two weeks ago.

I am hanging in there. If you have never been pregnant then you have no idea of the pain and discomfort you feel in the third trimester. My back is ALWAYS aching and nothing brings relief. Even the back rubs from my wonderful loving husband bring only a few minutes of relief. I wake up in the middle of the night because my back hurts and I have a hard time getting back to sleep. I wake up in the morning with more pain than when I went to sleep. And that is just the beginning. I have been feeling a few contractions, nothing major and nothing serious, just little cramp-like contractions that are perfectly normal at this stage of pregnancy. And of course not to mention the digestive problems. For all those who have been here, know what I am talking about. For those of you who have no idea what I am talking will learn in time. But to be honest all these things that my body has to go through are completely worth the prize at the end. I cannot wait for our little baby boy to be here and in my arms! It is totally worth it!! :)

Well, Reece will be here the last weekend in October! We are so excited for him to be here. There is a pretty good chance that Mike can get him a job at the same Walmart that he works at. This would be helpful for Reece to be able to work and they could even car pool and stuff too. So this is good news. :) Aunt Elaine is cleaning out the room Reece will be staying in as I type.

Mike got his first paycheck today!! Do you know what that means? I can finally buy fabric and sew some sweet stuff for the baby!! :) A cute car seat cover and cute little blanket! I am so excited to sew!! I haven't sewn anything since school...and I love sewing! I just love sewing and creating cute things, and especially for my little baby! :) 

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