Sunday, February 13, 2011

Wedding Days: Celebrations of Marriage Book Summary

Wedding Days: Celebrations of Marriage
By: Anita Ganer
Publisher: Peter Bedrick Books; 1998
Reading Level: ~9-12 yrs
Number of Pages: 30
Genre: Informational/Nonfiction
This book is an informational book about different types of weddings and wedding rituals in six different religions around the world. The six religions/wedding ceremonies are Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, Jewish, Christian, and Muslim. In the Hindu culture, they don't wear rings, they wear necklaces. The woman also wears a red dot on her forehead to signify that she is married. There really is no set ceremony or rituals in the Buddhist religion. In the Sikh wedding, the man wears white and the woman wears pink, red or orange. In the Jewish wedding they stand under a canopy that symbolizes the new home they are creating, they sign a special marriage document in Hebrew, they drink a glass of wine then stomp on the glass, and there is lots of dancing at Jewish weddings. In Christian weddings they make vows, throw confetti, and eat cake. And at Muslim weddings there is a dowry, the couple never sits next to each other the whole day of the wedding, they can marry multiple women and are encouraged to stay away from divorce.
Problems: Children may make judgments about other religions/cultures/people because of current political events/wars.
Reaction: I love weddings, so it was a fun interesting read to learn of other traditions in different cultures.
Recommendations: I would recommend this book to those who are interested in learning about different cultures around the world. It is an angle of learning about different cultures I knew nothing about.

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