Monday, May 23, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away!

So, I am at school at this moment in the library because it is raining and I don't have my umbrella and it's raining outside. I have a gap in my day on Mondays and Wednesdays where I go home and eat lunch. Well this is my gap and I didn't bring lunch or my books for my next class. So I have my water bottle and some crackers that I always carry around. What a nutritious meal! Anyways I'm stuck at school with no lunch  and ill prepared for my next class...great.

On a more positive note, we have another doctor appointment today after Mike gets home from work. They will be doing a general check-up and all the blood work that they should have done last time, but were waiting until we got Medicaid. So we got Medicaid to help us pay for all the doctor visits and everything. We also just recently got WIC which is a program that gives you checks to buy your groceries, but you have to purchase stuff off a special list. So that helps a lot on our grocery bill. Right now we only have the prenatal WIC, but once the baby is six months old, baby food will be covered by WIC as well. So we are pretty stoked about all the government aid that we are getting. (But it only works as long as we are in Idaho...but I hear that you can transfer paperwork and stuff to other states so I'm too worried about that.)

Well I don't want to bore you all with my aggravation, but it is still raining and I am very hungry and can't walk home to eat and get my books!!! And I don't even have a book to read or any homework to do either...

Well...I will update you all on our doctor's appointment later tonight or tomorrow. Have a great rainy day!

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